Monday, August 2, 2010

Thunderstorm Livingroom Campout

I have been wanting to get on and post for days about our thunderstorm experience... I guess now is the time...

On Wednesday Cascade Auto Center had their company picnic out at Ome Gardens. It was really exciting to know we were going to go and see everyone Scott works with. As we were leaving the rain started to pour, we weren't sure if there would be covered areas, but who cares when you get to go visit people you haven't seen in months! Off we went. There were covered areas of course, lots of friends and co-workers and tons of tasty food! What a great combination. We stayed late visiting so by the time we got home, got the dog out for the bathroom and kids ready for bed the rain, wind, thunder and lightening started. BoogZ loved it! He was running and playing, just having a great time... the kids on the other hand, not so much. They didn't like the noise and the lights flickering off for a second. Then add that lighting could hit our house, no good. At least it was pouring rain so I could add that if it does hit by the house the rain is wetting everything so a fire wont start at our house. Finally after lots of talking and me saying we could all sleep downstairs, they settled down.
So off to collect all the air beds and blankets to setup our family camp out in the living room. By the time I had everything set up the thunder and lighting had stopped, but the rain was still pretty loud upstairs so I guess it was worth it. I don't think Scott or I slept very well but it was a fun experience over all.

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