Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We had a great weekend! We were all able to relax and sleep in everyday! Of course I didn't remember to pull out the camera until Scott got down on the little bed I made for me & Cora to watch fireworks. She was so tired but loved watching them.

She Actually fell asleep! Scott's just closing his eyes from the bright flash of the camera.

We went to the Farmers for the evening. Their neighborhood has a huge show with everyone lighting off fireworks and BBQing. It was so fun having a relatively normal weekend, hanging out with family & friends and blowing stuff up of course. Early in the evening we heard popping that kept going for a few minutes, pretty soon people are running from everywhere to see who's blowing up what. It turned out that some guys had like 4,000 blackcats all strung together. It was Awesome!!!!

Here's Coby with their neighbor Jim. He gave Coby a little tank to lite.

Coby & Cora were running around playing with everyone. They started collecting all the burnt fireworks. At first it was like OK the tanks and paraschutes are cool but why they wanted smoke bombs and the sticks from rockets, I'll never know.
Today was again nice and relaxed. We slept in really late and then chilled all day. Unfortunately our internet and phone have been having issues so it's nice and late in posting today. I guess I should be happy, techs have been here 3 times in the last month, but they actually came out the same day I called each time. Tonight I also taught a yoga-pilate's class, my 1st class back at the Y. I must be weird because teaching a class totally different than what I usually do was just what I needed for going back to that part of my job.
After having a relaxing long weekend Scott is excited to go workout tomorrow afternoon. With our phone having been out, I'm sure we'll be getting a call to start rehab soon too.

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