Friday, July 9, 2010

week in review

Man time flies when you've got a list of to-do's hanging over your head.
Suz tells me that she likes my random rants so here goes...

I've been trying and failing to get Scott to go to yoga with me lol. Wednesday I started my one night a week closing shift and since it's the same day as yoga Scott said he didn't want to go. I think he just doesn't want to turn into a yogi or maybe it's the 4 flights of stairs we'd take to get to class :)
I promised Coby I'd take him to see "Last Airbinder", so on Thursday I set up for Cora to go play with Johnathan her 'other brother' and Cob and I had an outing. The movie was in 3-D. The 1st and last time I'll see a 3-D movie! Honestly why pay more for being annoyed the whole time with having to wear bulky glasses. I'm thinking it wasn't the best of 3-D movie in the first place but whatever not worth the extra cost for the 3-D price, BUT the movie was a good one. I really like the cartoon and was not disappointed with the movie. I was a little naive in thinking they could do it justice in one movie which they did not, if you go see it be perpared, it's not over.

When it was time for Cora to leave on Thursday, she decided she didn't want to leave me after all. I had to promise her an outing of her own for Friday. Our outting was going to the Y for her to work behind the desk. She really likes to scan members cards as they come in, so her outing was for her and I to scan people in at the Y. Of course me being me, I found a way to get some work done too. We also had to do a building walk through which is another of her favorites. She walks through the building top to bottom with a clip board checking off that she has checked each room. It's extremely cute! I guess she is right when she says she's going to work at the Y like her mom when she gets older :)
After this we decided we should be nice girls and pick the boys up for lunch. We went to play at McDonald's, I was thinking ahead and picked a table outside the playroom at the window to watch the kids play without having to hear all the kids play.
In the mix of all of this, I have had a list in my head of to-do's before our new addition of a puppy gets here. I must say I have not been very good a staying on task and it has been very annoying to me. After what felt like all day on the phone yesterday, I finally decided I need a list of to-do's that I can check off to keep me on task. I got a lot done today with an actual list lol.

Scott is doing alright feeling in limbo right now. A few calls that I had to make were to the insurance company and rehab center to figure out why we have had a week of not hearing anything. I found out that as an out-patient is not a pre-authorization, it seemed like it was our responsibility to let the therapist we wanted to work with know & try to set up appointments... wow that would have been nice to know. Oh well I made the calls and next week Scott starts again. He probably liked having some time off anyway.

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