Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is it OK to be annoyed with reality?

Why yes Diane annoyed is an understatement!

Scott says, "It's miserable waiting to be cut into again."

Diane says, "I'm angry that we have another hospital stay without any warning. I mean come on we went in for a follow up thinking he was progressing well."

The kids say, "What? Whitney's coming to Nana's with us! That's cool!" I asked if they had any questions or how they felt about dad going back to the hospital. They just said "It's not as long as last time right?" Correct. "They'll fix dad's bubble right?" Yep, it'll take about a month for it to be completely gone though.
Oh to be young again!

So although we are not excited by any means about the whole staying at Swedish again, we can see some positive things...
- It was caught before it caused damage.
- It was caught by a routine appointment and not him experiencing any pains or worse.
- He's pain med free, which means a lot when adding higher pain meds to cover new pain.
- It's still summer time, so the kids aren't in school yet.
- He wasn't back to work yet, so although it feels like a huge set back, it could have been a lot worse!

1 comment:

  1. Just heard about the surgery. I hope all goes well. Quick, easy, and then back to getting stronger and back to normal. Keep moving forward. Take care!

    - Jake
