Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sugery Day

First things first: Surgery went very well. Actually much better than anyone expected!

After hours of trying to get this posted, I now realized that I should have done small posts each time I got on today...unfortunately I'm planning to NEVER have to use this knowledge, because I'm hopping for no more surgeries.

Dr. Newell said that they didn't find a reason to go in and remove the fluid on his brain or on the outside of his skull... "the bubble" stays for a little longer, but hopefully not to much longer. It's already down a centimeter.

Scott says he feels so much better waking up from this surgery than when the flap was replaced, as exciting as this maybe, he also said that it feels like "an ice pick has been stabbed into his head" or "he's been hit with a board that has a nail in it." That part is not good, but the pain meds are helping. Wow it sure takes a long time to blog when nurses come in and Scott wakes up every few minutes, he's totally out now though.
The reason Dr. Newell came in to see Scott so soon after surgery is because he was complaining of chest pain. I found out how they route the tubing for the shunt. It goes from the back of the head down the middle of the neck around to the front and through almost the middle of his chest. The tube is just under the skin in the fatty tissue. Ouch no wonder his chest hurts, there's hardly any fat there, good thing it's a small tube. Him getting up and moving some didn't help his chest that much, but it does help his body in recovering faster. He was up twice today after surgery for the bathroom... OK OK I know that's an over share, but remember the catheter... enough said:)

I am now sitting in the family room that is in Scott's room! I don't think it was a secret that I was not looking forward to sleeping in a hospital bed chair or cot again, I had done that for 1 day shy of 12 weeks. We had been home for 6 weeks. Life is still about getting the most important thing done by the time it needs done, which means crisis management only. I didn't want to go backwards so far. I'm sure anyone who saw me will agree, my attitude sucked. BUT that makes the reality I am now savoring that much better. We are in the VIP suite. They say and I agree, it is the nicest room on the floor. I guess it's given to people who have to come back for more surgeries....lucky us.
I didn't feel lucky when we found out about the VP Shunt. I didn't feel lucky coming here for the CT yesterday. I started to feel lucky when we checked Scott in and we were sent to a different area (what there's an area of this hospital I don't know lol) It was very calming in that waiting room. Then they allowed me to go back with Scott. Betsy and Tara were able to come back when they got here too. Nice!
After a while he went off to surgery and I went off to drown in music and organize some computer files Scott's been telling me I should work on, went I have time. Besty, Tara and Susan sat and chatted. A little later my parents came and had to deal with my attitude, so they went and chatted a bit too. I knew that I was going to have a hard time, so I made a plan of what I needed to do to get through this and the plan worked. To bad that kind of meant ignoring everyone else, at least I did forewarn them of my plan. I knew the drill sit in the waiting room until the person at the desk gives you info. So I sat plugged into my laptop, while Scott was being cut into and a tube inserted into his body!
And now we find our selves in the VIP room! It's funny each time Scott changed rooms before I felt like we were upgrading. Something was always better that made the stay bearable. I did not expect that this time and yet we received it in full force. It's amazing how things work out sometimes. A few times today I thought dang we should have had this room last stay, we were here so long. As nice as that would have been, I think the way things worked out are best! I really did appreciate the room we had before, besides that we needed an upgrade for this surgery. It's nice we had the opportunity to have it when we needed it most!

Post finished at 11:30pm. Not sure how to make this before the post I started after it. Sad.

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