Sunday, June 27, 2010

1st Sunday Back

Today we all went to church. I left it up to Scott on how much he would want to stay for. He made it the whole 3 hours!
I wonder when he'll get annoyed with my constant questioning... Is this too much? Are you OK? How are you feeling? lol I try hard not to be over bearing but it's really hard not to ask.

The OT from Home Health also came today. She was very pleased with Scott's progress and doesn't believe he needs Occupational anymore. YAY we are really going to push the case manager for getting Scott back to working with PT & Speech as out-patient at the clinic. I like the house being a sanctuary for him, and having to do therapies here definitely changes that feeling!

I guess all this was pushing it a little because he is still napping. It's been almost 3 hours. Of course this is not a new thing. We have always been Sunday afternoon nappers.


  1. Scott and Diane~ it was soooo wonderful to see you all back at church- together- all of you- in "your" spot. My heart just swelled when I walked in and saw all of you together. Love you guys!! -laurel & mark

  2. Great job blogging all your feelings and all the activities that are taking place. We read this faithfully, even if we don't comment. WE are soooo happy that things are going well. I was sad to miss you all yesterday, but believe me, I heard all about it from the girls. Love you guys! Pary
