Monday, June 28, 2010


The beard is GONE!

And of course Cora is laying with her daddy.

He's not ready for a clean shave, just yet. I have been a little well, neglectful in mentioning that he still has the tremor. I'm not totally ready to dismiss that it could be the seizure medicine he was on. As we learned with the Keppra, meds stays in his body for a long time. BUT mostly likely it is from a connection in his brain. The doctors are hopeful that as his brain continues to heal it will go always time will tell. He is on a medication for the temor, but I have not noticed a change in it. At his next doctor apt we'll be asking lots of questions.

We went to the Y again today. A little biking and a little weights. Tomorrow he has ST @ 11am and PT @1pm. I think when they find out all he is doing at home there will be no problem in getting him to switch to out-patient at the Clinic! Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see that handsome face!!! Sounds like he is doing well. <3 Pary
